Uncovering Anger Meditation.

Uncovering Anger Meditation.

Anger is a powerful secondary emotion that is easy to access by all of us. It aids in keeping us safe by creating distance. It is the emotional discharge from the fight state in our Sympathetic Nervous System. It is rooted in our reptilian brain and is a way to keep us safe from harm and perceived harm. Yet, often anger is a cover emotion for fear and sadness. In this talk followed by clearning we will release anger and work to uncover the truth of what it represents. Attached is a powerful tool that we have re-created in order to uncover the wound connected to your anger. This re-created tool is based on The Behavioral Request Change form by Harville Hendrix.

Conflict Resolution Meditation.

Conflict Resolution Meditation.

Conflict is unavoidable in life. When it comes up it can wreak havoc on your nervous system. We often will perseverate to the point of exhaustion and our nervous system can become very dysregulated. When your nervous system enters into this "fight" state the physical reactions are to prepare the body for defense from a perceived or real threat. This meditation will help you release the stress and tension in the body. You will clear the negative energy surrounding the conflict.